Update on Nominations and Applications for the IX Bishop

Search Committee Retreat_Edited

Dear Friends,


We are pleased to share with you an update on the bishop search process. Last week, the nomination and application period closed. Having received an exciting response from many gifted applicants, we look forward to our next phase of discernment with these applicants. 

Over the course of the next three months, we will spend time in prayer, conversation, interviews, a retreat, and more as we seek to discern how the Holy Spirit is moving among us and who God might be calling to stand for election as our next bishop. Your discernment, after you have the opportunity to meet the candidates in mid-September as they visit our diocese, will guide our election from that point. We hope you have those dates marked down after the Standing Committee–with the Transition Committee–recently shared them with all of us.

The author Brian Wren once wrote, “One of the oldest things we know about God is that God is always doing new things.” We have seen that truth born out in this process already as we look to our next phase of work together filled with hope. We invite you, in this Easter season, to join us in a hope-filled joy at all that God is doing in our midst in every corner of our diocese and certainly in this process.

We are grateful in this season, as much as ever, for your prayers. Please know that we hold you in our prayers, too.

The Bishop Search Committee

"O Creator God, giver of every good gift, look graciously on us in the Diocese of West Missouri and guide us as we discern our call of a new bishop. O Jesus, be present in our discernment, and lead us to a shepherd who will invite us to live out the Gospel every day. O Holy Spirit, inspire us with your wisdom, and kindle our hearts with the fire of your love, that we may be renewed as we prepare to welcome the ministry of our next bishop. This we ask trusting in You. Amen."​


For questions about the nomination process or other details regarding the bishop search, contact us by clicking the button below.

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